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Play Structure

Play with SAFETY in mind at all times.  Students are always to walk in the playground equipment area.  Those running will be removed from the area.  No tag games are allowed in the playground area.
* Students sit on swings facing the field area
* Students can swing to a count of 50
          (1 swing consists of a forward and backward motion)
* Students wait behind the green pole to take turns on the swing
* Students should never be allowed to jump over the swing seats, twist swings, or      
           stand on swings
* Students must swing independently. No pushing from a friend!
Monkey Rings:
* Students begin on the south platform and can go through the bars one time
* They may not hang upside down or swing and jump from the rings
* Students may not climb on top of the bars
Parallel Bars:
* Only one student can swing across the center bar at a time
* Students may not sit on top of the bars
* Students need to always have their hands on the bar while they are sitting on the side bars. If they choose to hang upside-down they need to continue holding on with both hands!
* Students may only go down the slides seated on their bottom and facing forward
* They may not climb up the slides nor climb on top of the tube covering one of the slides and may use the slides one at a time only.
Safety Precautions:
* For safety reasons students should not run in the play apparatus area.
* No balls, jump ropes, etc. are allowed in the play apparatus area.
* Tag and other chasing games are not allowed.
* If a ball goes over the fence and onto the sidewalk or street area outside the fence, the student must tell a yard supervisor. Our students are not to go over the fence without permission.
* Students may not jump off any equipment.
* Balls are not to be thrown against school walls.
* Quail Run students are respectful and include other students in team play.  Games may not be closed or locked.

Playgrounds Rules and Procedures
Four-Square Rules
Play:  One player starts the game standing inside the server’s square (1) by bounding the ball once and hitting it into the square. The ball must be hit with both hands at the same time, fingers down and palms up. The ball must bounce only once, in a square before it is returned. A player, who misses the ball or fouls, must move to the end of the waiting line and allow another student to take their place. All other players move up in rotation—CLOCKWISE. If there are no students waiting, the person may stay in play. The object of the game is to get another player out and move up to server’s square.

1. Hitting the ball more than once prior to its return.
2. Failing to hit the ball with both hands at the same time.
3. Failing to hit the ball with open hands, fingers pointed down, with palms up.
4. Catching or blocking the ball.
5. Bouncing the ball on a line or out of the court.
6. Failing to return the ball to another square.
7. Being hit by the ball.
A player who commits any foul, moves out of the square to the end of the waiting line.
Other Rules:
The first person waiting is the judge and decides on close plays, active play.
Maximum - - 2 games in a row; no exceptions.
Tetherball Rules
Play: One player, who serves first, is selected. After the first game, the winner serves first. One player stands in each court. The server starts the game by hitting the ball out of his hand. His/her opponent may strike the ball at any time it passes they must try to hit the ball. As the ball travels, each player tries to hit it in an effort to wind the ball around the pole. The player who first winds the ball completely abound the pole wins the game. During the game each player must remain in his/her own playing zone.

1. Hitting the ball with any part of the body other than the hands or forearms.
2. Stopping continuous play by holding or catching the ball.
3. Touching the pole with any part of the ball.
4. Interfering with progress of the game by hitting the rope with rope.
5. Playing the ball while standing outside of the playing zone.
6. Stepping on the neutral zone lines.
7. Throwing the ball.

Scoring - The game is won by the player who first winds the rope completely around the pole or by forfeit because of a foul committed by his/her opponent.
Penalty - A player who commits any of the fouls listed above forfeits the game to his/her opponent.
Play stops immediately after a foul has been committed.
Other rules – The next person waiting is the “judge” and decides all close plays. Maximum – 2 games in a row; no exceptions.
Wall Ball Rules
The goal of the game is to strike (hit or sock) the ball in a downward motion so it bounces on the ground then hits the wall.
Basic Rules:
* 2 people on the court
* The remaining players gets to serve (winner from previous game)
* The received must return the ball (no outs on a serve)
* The ball must bounce before the player hits it.
* After the player hits the ball it must bounce before it hits the wall
* The first person in line is the judge if there is a question about a call.
* A player is out if.....
* Ball doesn’t bounce before hitting the wall
* Ball doesn’t bounce before the player hits the ball
* The ball bounces more than once
* The ball hits the very corner of the wall and ground
* The ball does bounce inside the lines after it hits the wall
* The ball is stopped or caught
Basketball Rules
Everyone playing basket ball should be considerate of others. There will be no foul language, pushing, or shoving. It is to be a friendly, non-competitive game. No Score is kept.
Half-court: Only 12 students, divided evenly, can play at one time. If at anytime more than 12 students wish to play basketball the teams will need to divide and play half court. If 12 or less are playing, then you may play full court.
You can’t say, “You can’t play.”  If you don’t wish to play ball with a person who chooses to play, then go find something else to do. Even if you were there first. It’s not a private court.
Man to Man Defense ONLY
3 second shot 5 second throw in
* Double teaming
* Zone defense
* Jewelry or open toe shoes on court
You will be off the court for no less than a week for the following offenses:
* Unsportsmanlike conduct
* Taunting
* Throwing elbows
* Fighting, throwing a punch will result in suspension from school
* Swearing
* Arguing with the duty teacher
* Pushing
When the whistle blows, the game ENDS.
Kickball Rules
Kickball is played with a rubber ball on a field with 4 bases arranged on the corners of a diamond shaped "infield". The rules and player positions for kickball are closely related to those of baseball/softball. There is an "infield" and an "outfield". The infield contains the positions that involve the bases, while the outfield is mainly designated to catching or retrieving the ball when it is kicked out of the infield. Actual playing positions vary depending on the number of children that are actually playing. If there are only a few children playing, the positions are usually spread out. If there are a good number of players, ideally children position themselves to cover the infield and the remaining students play the outfield. 
The pitcher rolls a kickable ball (maximum of four times including foul balls) **(foul ball is kicked outside of the line through home plate and either first or third base)** towards their catcher, the "kicker" kicks the ball with their foot, then runs to first base, becoming a runner. A runner is out if any of the following conditions are met: 
* The ball is caught on the fly from the kick, without hitting the ground first, the kicker is out (a fly out).
* In the case of a fly out, any runner already on base who attempts to advance before the ball is caught may themselves be counted out if the ball is returned to the base they were on before the ball was kicked.
* A fielding player with the ball touches the base ahead of a runner who is forced to go to that base, because of an advancing runner behind him (a force out).
* A fielding player touches the runner directly with the ball while holding it (a tag out). "NO THROWING BALL AT RUNNER".