School Site Council
QR School Site Council
The school site council is the school's governing board. It comprises five parents and five staff members who meet monthly to review policies, curriculum, and other pertinent information. All SSC meetings are open to the public, and participation is welcomed and appreciated.
Quail Run Elementary School Site Council Bylaws can be found on this link.
All meetings are offered in hybrid mode and are held monthly in the admin conference room from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Virtual Meet Link
Please see the school activities calendar for dates.
The meeting dates for 2024-25 are as follows (agendas will be linked to the date)
Chairperson: Gabi Lazar
Vice Chairperson: Open
Secretary: Stephanie Smith Soohoo
Parliamentarian: Open
Parent members: Michelle Fabegas, Christian Joos, Gabi Lazar
Staff members: Gail Tennery, Allie DeBrhul, Engy Wahba
Principal: Bassant Abdelrahman