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GATE and Enrichment


Gifted And Talented Education

The Gifted and Talented Program is integrated into the regular classroom. G.A.T.E. cluster classrooms are provided in grades 3 - 5.
Teachers at Quail Run provide differentiated instruction and possible extension activities for ALL students throughout the school day in a variety of subject areas.
A school/parent G.A.T.E. advisory committee assists in organizing additional enrichment activities.


A Preview of Possible Enrichment Activities for 2022-23
National Spelling Bee 
3rd Grade through 5th Grade students will participate in an oral spelling bee held within the classroom.
Final Local Spelling Bee - Contra Costa County
Math Olympiad - 4th/5th grade math tournament team led by parent volunteers. 
Destination Imagination (Oct. to Mar.) Team tournaments where students solve challenges based on three essential skills: Teamwork, Creativity, and Problem Solving. This program provides creative problem-solving opportunities for students of all ages and fosters original and divergent thinking by working in teams. Participants learn teamwork, the appreciation of understanding others, and that a group is a more powerful thinking force than an individual- Grades 3-5. In March the students present their solutions at a regional tournament. (Meetings are outside of school)
Facilitated by -Sharon Kovalovsky-
Gaming Club- Games, such as card, board, drawing, and more, are a perfect way to get kids to come together, have fun, be competitive, but also work on their social skills and problem-solving skills.
Students are more frequently not playing face-to-face with their peers and it is my hope that relationships can grow, confidence can be built, and fun and learning can be had through the Gaming Club.