5th Grade Curriculum News
Writing Workshop - We will soon begin our writer's workshop lessons, starting the year off with a personal narrative. Students will work on developing leads, expanding details and bring their readers into their story, as well as fine tuning conclusions. Students will continue to work on editing skills such as: 1.) Rereading work word-by-word 2.) Checking for complete sentences 3.) Capitalization 4.) Punctuation 5.) Verb-Subject agreement (i.e. I am running; They are running) 6.) Spelling 7.) Common mistaken words (i.e. two, to, too; they're, their, there) 8.) Paragraphing, and 9) improving word choice to better description.
Math - Eureka Math is our district adoption. The school year is starting off with assessments to determine students' needs and recall from previous years, to help us guide our instruction.
Science -- Science Labs are twice a week for each 5th Grade class. In the first part of Semester 1, September and October, we are studying about Physical Science. We will learn about the properties of matter, mixtures, solutions, compounds, chemical reactions, artificial materials, states of matter, and how to model the states of matter.
Social Studies - In the first half of Semester 1 we are learning about early North America, first peoples, and then move into European explorers of the "New World".
P.E. - It is important to wear appropriate close-toed shoes each day so students may be prepared to run around. 5th Grade as a whole will run a mile once a week. Please help your students remember to be ready to run and to drink plenty of water each day.