3rd Grade Homepage
The third grade team believes in providing a positive and safe environment where every child can experience success. Through differentiated instruction, cooperative learning, and hands on activities students will move toward meeting and /or exceeding California's state standards. We are committed to the full implementation of the innovative New York Reading and Writing projects. Typical activities include weekly science labs, Just Right Reading Groups, computer lab time, and vocal music. We recognize the importance of the home-school connection and will update this website regularly.
The FAIR Act
The California Education Code has been updated over time to make sure that the role and
contributions of members of underrepresented racial, ethnic and cultural groups to the economic,
political, and social development of California and the United States are included in history and
social studies lessons. The FAIR Education Act amends the Education Code by mandating
California schools to also include the contributions of people with disabilities and members of the
LGBT community in the curriculum.
contributions of members of underrepresented racial, ethnic and cultural groups to the economic,
political, and social development of California and the United States are included in history and
social studies lessons. The FAIR Education Act amends the Education Code by mandating
California schools to also include the contributions of people with disabilities and members of the
LGBT community in the curriculum.
For more information click below

Below are links for access to Dreambox Learning Math for Students to use at home. It can be accessed via a computer with the Student Portal or iPad with the Clever app.