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1st Grade Homepage


  • First Grade desires to be NUT FREE!  Please do not send any nut products to school for snack or lunch.
  • Please send your child with a healthy snack each day!  The days are longer and students need a snack to stay focused on learning!
  • Snacks, lunches, water bottles, backpacks and all belongings should be marked with your child's name.
  • All snacks and drinks should be in a ziploc or plastic container, absolutely no glass!
  • Please be sure your child wears appropriate clothing and shoes for recess and especially PE.


Welcome to First Grade! We are very excited to make this a positive, fun and educational year for your child. A typical day in first grade consists of Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. It may also include Art, Music, Library, Technology and Physical Education. Our curriculum has an emphasis on building reading and writing skills and strategies with the New York Reading and Writing Project. Wherever possible we attempt to use a thematic approach to integrate the skills in these areas.  Curriculum content is guided by the Common Core State Standards and our district benchmarks for each subject area.  
Cartoon School


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Below are links for access to Dreambox Learning Math for Students to use at home. It can be accessed via a computer with the Student Portal or iPad with the Clever app. 


  • All families who purchased or donated money towards school supplies and additional learning experiences, thank you!!
  • Special thanks for your donations to the Quail Run Learning Fund and other programs at our school!


The FAIR Act
The California Education Code has been updated over time to make sure that the role and contributions of members of underrepresented racial, ethnic and cultural groups to the economic, political, and social development of California and the United States are included in history and social studies lessons. The FAIR Education Act amends the Education Code by mandating California schools to also include the contributions of people with disabilities and members of the LGBT community in the curriculum.
For more information click below